Maintenance FAQs about lifts, escalators, automatic doors or stairlifts

Find answers to all the questions you may have about the maintenance of lifts, escalators, automatic doors or other lifting platforms such as stairlifts.

Maintenance FAQs

Answers to frequently asked maintenance questions

Maintenance is intended to ensure the proper functioning and safety of the lift. It is carried out by a technician and consists of checking the different parts of the lift in accordance with current safety regulations. Repairs or improvements may need to be made after the fact, as maintenance is there to detect them.

Paying a lift maintenance fee gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you have a technical team that works to guarantee the safety of your lift users: your family and your neighbors. Good maintenance of the equipment ensures a low rate of breakdowns, so you will have greater availability of the lift and increase its useful life.

At FAIN we are specialists in multi-brand maintenance. We have specific consoles and tools from all brands to guarantee the development of our work.

On the other hand, all manufacturers are obliged to sell replacement spare parts for the products they manufacture to authorized companies. In our case, we have a stock of the parts with the highest turnover to offer quick response times, so this should not worry you at all.

At FAIN we have a legal department available to our clients to defend their interests. If you receive any notification or complaint, you just have to send it to us and we will be in charge of advising you.

Maintenance includes actions to maintain or repair a device. There are two types of maintenance: corrective and predictive. The difference is simple: preventive maintenance is carried out with the aim of minimizing failures, "preventing", while corrective maintenance is carried out after a failure, to correct it.

Lift Maintenance FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about lift maintenance

Depends on the contracted coverage. Each customer can choose whether or not they want 24 hours, parts coverage, etc. There are contracts that only cover what is strictly legal and have lower price. Others, however, offer greater coverage and services at higher prices.

The question is: What needs does your equipment have? You will have to take into account its condition, its characteristics, its age, etc. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that one of our sales representatives can visit your equipment along with a technician. Together they will carry out an audit of it, assess the condition of your lift and inform you about all the possibilities without obligation, offering you one or more offers that fit your needs.

Yes, by legal imperative. Regardless of its age, its private use and its frequency of use, according to the ITC AEM-1 approved by the RD of February 28, 2013, it is mandatory that every lift with a speed greater than or equal to 0.15 meters per second needs a maintenance contract with an authorized company.

This is good news for you. You will have equipment at home that is reviewed and in perfect condition to guarantee your safety and that of your family. Furthermore, in the event of a breakdown, you will have a fast, efficient and professional repair service.

According to current lift regulations, a maintenance contract includes, at a minimum: carrying out ordinary maintenance checks, guaranteeing attention to incidents and breakdowns, recording maintenance and all actions carried out on the lift, sending competent personnel in a maximum period of 24 hours, write to the owner the elements of the lift that are not in the precise conditions to guarantee its proper use, interrupt operation when serious imminent risk is appreciated, maintain the record of actions, notify Industry of accidents in lifts, notify when it has to pass the mandatory periodic inspection and complete it.

The best type of maintenance for the lift depends on the needs of your equipment, its characteristics, the type of traffic it has and the needs of the building itself.

At FAIN we carry out a prior audit and, based on it, we establish a specific maintenance plan.

The way we should maintain a lift depends on the equipment and the plan that has been designed for it. At FAIN, at least, we carry out maintenance visits once a month. In them, the necessary settings and adjustments are checked, the appropriate elements are lubricated and the necessary safety tests are carried out by qualified technicians.

It is normal to carry out lift maintenance on a monthly basis. However, depending on the characteristics of the lift, this frequency may be higher or lower.

The current regulations do not contemplate the obligation to completely replace the lift. However, Industry imposes certain changes and modifications on existing lifts that can often be significant. On these occasions, the total replacement of the equipment is much more interesting and efficient, both in economic and safety terms.

Since August 1, 1998, it is mandatory for lifts to have a permanent two-way oral system between the cabin and the maintenance company. That is, every lift must have a telephone line installed in the cabin.

For this reason, at FAIN we have the On-Call digital service, with which you don't need to touch the lift button to contact us in any situation.

There is no obligation for this to be the case. If you are not comfortable with your current maintenance company, you can look for another maintenance company that better fits your needs.

The most important thing is not to venture to manipulate the lift. If you have contracted maintenance with Irish Lift Services/FAIN, call our Customer Service Center (Tel. 014199800). An operator will take note of the incident and, in less than 2 hours, the technician assigned to your equipment will be on the premises to make the necessary adjustments and put your lift back into operation safely for users. You can call for as many incidents as you notice, no matter how unimportant they may seem to you. These interventions are included in the maintenance contract, so they do not entail an additional cost either for travel or for the technician's work hours.

If you or a neighbor gets stuck in the lift, at ILS/FAIN we respond 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year to any ransom notice, without this entailing an additional cost.

That is why we insist on not venturing to manipulate the lift or trying to free the trapped person on your own. If you have contracted maintenance with FAIN, call our Customer Service Center (Tel. 91 409 31 01). An operator will take note of the incident and in less than half an hour the technician who is closest to the facility at that moment will be on the place to safely carry out the rescue operation.

You should know that, on occasion, FAIN trains the property's doormen and janitors in rescue operations. These personnel, duly trained, are authorized to carry out rescues.

If a power failure occurs and the power goes out, your elevator will stop. However, at FAIN we recommend that you equip your equipment with a security system prepared for these cases that will immediately allow you to descend safely to the lower floor and open the doors of your lift.

Escalator maintenance FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about escalator maintenance

In the case of the cost of maintenance of escalators, there is a wide range of prices and these vary depending on the type of coverage of parts, the age and the specific type of stairs installed.

The question is: What needs does your equipment have? You will have to take into account its condition, its characteristics, its age, etc. Therefore, we invite you to contact us so that one of our sales representatives can visit your equipment along with a technician. Together they will carry out an audit, assess the condition of your escalator and inform you about all the possibilities without obligation, offering you one or more offers that fit your needs.

Regular maintenance is crucial for escalators. It's recommended to perform maintenance at least quarterly, though some may require monthly checks depending on usage and local regulations.

Indicators include unusual noises, sudden stops, jerky movements, or visible wear on steps and handrails. If any of these signs are observed, contact a professional immediately.

Due to the complexity and safety implications, escalator maintenance should always be carried out by certified professionals.

Standard maintenance typically includes cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and adjustment of parts, as well as the replacement of worn components.

Automatic garage door maintenance FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about automatic door maintenance

As with the maintenance of lifts and escalators, the prices for maintaining a garage door vary depending on the age and the contracted coverage, as well as the specific type of automatic door installed.

It's recommended to service your automatic garage door annually to ensure it operates smoothly and safely.

Homeowners can perform basic maintenance tasks such as lubricating moving parts (e.g., springs, rollers, hinges), checking for wear and tear, and testing the balance of the door. However, most of the tasks should be perform by technicians.

If your door makes unusual noises, moves unevenly or slowly, or doesn't close completely, it's time to call a professional.

Yes, extreme temperatures and humidity can affect the door's operation. Regular maintenance can mitigate these effects.

Stairlift maintenance FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about stairlift maintenance

The price range is wide and varies depending on the age, condition and the services and coverage that you want to contract for the stairlift.

Stairlifts should undergo professional maintenance at least once a year, although more frequent checks are advisable for heavy usage.

Maintenance typically includes battery checks and replacement if necessary, lubrication of moving parts, and inspections to ensure all components are in good working order.